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Lazy Brown Dog

Pain Assessment and
Quality of Life

When caring for ageing pets and those with chronic disease, being able to assess their comfort levels and overall quality of life is vital to being able to make the best decisions for them. 

It is our hope that the following tools may help you with day-to-day at-home assessments.

Canine Pain Scale CSU


Canine Pain Scoring


Feline Pain Scoring

Feline Pain Scale - CSU
Feline Grimace Scale


Feline Grimace Scale

The Feline Grimace Scale uses your cat's facial features to help you better determine their comfort level.  For some families, the use of AI technology can help to make these assessments.   One such tool is the Tably by  


Quality of Life Worksheet

This booklet can be downloaded by clicking on the PDF image below.

How Do I Know When
GreyMuzzle APP


Grey Muzzle App

The Grey Muzzle app can be downloaded to your device to help you track and review your pet's good days vs. bad days.  Results over time can be viewed as a calendar or in pie-chart formt.

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